Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Crieff Kids Fun Day Gala

We were delighted to be a part of the Kids' week in Crieff Gala Fun Day at MacRosty Park in Crieff on Sunday the 24th of July 2016. 

The day may have been rainy but it was a brilliant turn out with big bands, balloons, and many people attending various stalls across the park. Our stall was graced with a small raffle to win a handmade miniature wooden Nissen Hut by RMA Furniture, won by Sue, a hefty jar full of sweets for the guess how many? game, won by Bailey, various sweet treats baked by some of our helpers and information about our record attempt and Nissen Huts. 

Special thanks to our first £5 pledge donation goes to 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

NWR at Cultybraggan Fun Day

Our very first fundraising event attempt happened at the Cultybraggan Camp Fun Day this weekend. 
We even had a a special appearance from the ol' Bedford truck equipped with our fundraising 
posters. If you got a shot with the truck please send them to us, we'd love to see them!
To do so click here.

We want to thank two of the local cadets from the 1743 (Crieff Squadron) Air Training Corps for helping us set up our stall area and for their Marshal duty in the car park of the camp. 

We met some enthusiastic people at the fun day and it was lovely to hear visitor's nostalgic stories
of their times spent in Nissen huts both in the war and or with their local cadets, school, or scouts. 
If you have a story you'd like to share please let us know in the comments below or send it to us here we would love to share it! 

Kind regards,
Holly and the Nissen World Record Team.